Saturday, November 23, 2024


At this point, I am seriously lost in what I've posted and what is still waiting to be posted from months ago. 

Let's just see what's going on right now. 

Well, it's 15:28. Everyone else is sleeping. It's cloudy and cold. I have a nice evergreen candle trying to cheer things up. I am sick, and I really hate being sick. At least one person in our family has been sick for the last three weeks. I am hacking away even as I right. Jacob got sick yesterday, and he still has a few more things to do before the semester is over. 

It's been a rough semester for some reason. It's been a rough three weeks of being sick, sick, sick and Jacob doing school, school, school. That's life. Ugh. I am tired. 

On a more cheery note, here's a picture of our dining spot docoration. 

I took this picture only a few days ago (I think, I never know when things actually happened). I had just picked all those zinnias that are still blooming, even in late Novemeber. I love it. It looks so cheery with the afternoon sun coming in. I really miss warm, sunny days. 

Well, what do you know? Micah is already waking up from his nap. 

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