Saturday, January 18, 2025

Flowers and Melting Snow

Jacob bought me some beautiful flowers. I was surprised and so happy. They really bring cheer to the cold winter. 

Another happy thing is that the snow is finally going away. 

I took pictures of the grass because I was so happy to see it.

Even the dead grass looks beautiful to me.

I was able to feel comfortably warm enough in just a sweatshirt a couple days ago. 

Last night it rained, so even more snow is gone now. It's been here for two weeks. 


Friday, January 10, 2025



A Few Random Things


A mug I painted for Mom.

A mug I painted for Lydia.

Jacob's new shark mug.

One day while Jacob was out with the kids, I took my BB revolver out for some target practice. I wasn't the best, but I had fun. 

It's a real beauty. This was Jacob's anniversary gift to me. 

The creapy balloon man. 

Delicious Ethiopian honey bread.

Jacob looking good.

Afternoon tea.

I made chai recently. It's so good.

Micah's Birthday (Also Known as New Year's Eve)


Dance party.

Micah's new tools were a hit with everyone. Haha!

What a cute little one year-old.

What a long year 2024 was. I think it was hard for a lot of people. We made it through, and I look forward to this new year.



The pictures got mixed up. This was dancing Christmas night. 

Christmas dinner feast.

Taliya with one of her new books.

Taliya unwrapping another of her new books. Apparently, that's the one thing people know about her: she likes books. Frog and Toad is great, by the way. It's our new favorite. 

Pasca for breakfast.