When I left Minnesota, I left a great deal. I left friends who have changed my life for the better. People who pointed me to God and truly cared about me. This post goes to those people, though many of them may never see this.
I love you all dearly, and if I never see you on this earth again, have a good life. See you in the Kingdom.
Olivia. I've posted bout her before, but she definitely deserves a special place in the friends post. She was a part of my small group and brought a lot of life and joy to me. Thanks for the walk, the laughs, the breathtakingly tight hugs. I loved it all.
Janie. She is fun yet knows how to be serious. She loves people, yet speaks her mind. She is a great friend. Thanks for listening when I had to tell someone.
All of these people, including the ones that are relations, are my friends, and I'm so thankful for the fun we had together.

So many lovely people. I feel I need to say a little something about each one of them. Starting with the back row from the left: Priscilla was a great sister, companion, friend, and silly person to be with this past year. I felt like I got to know her, as an adult. Hannah and Tyler, now married, were so kind to me. So many times we studied together, went out together, laughed, joked, hiked, and cooked together. I was definitely the third wheel. Seth is basically an annoying older brother who is quite awesome. Thanks for putting up with me. Ian (pronounced EYE-in) is one of the smiliest, kindest, teddy bear kind of person you could meet. Scott is tender, kind, smart, and wise in the ways of the Lord. I learned a lot from him this year. Now for the front row: Jessica and Alaina (which get the'r special place later), me, and Leuxie (who also gets her own spot). Finally, Elisabeth (Scott's sister), who spells her name right like I do. But so much more than that, Elisabeth is full of the grace of God. She gave me lovely hugs and prayed with me. She was always talking about God.
Wow! What an incredible group of friends. I love you all.
My freshman class. Too many people to talk about or even name here, but I appreciate each one. We're one good lookin' class.
Janie and Ariel. Ariel left last semester, but she was still my friend. Thanks for the late nights praying and talking.
Jessica. She's soft, gentle, cautious, wise. She is great. Thanks for loving me even though I'm ridiculous sometimes.
Leuxie. The princess of the house. Not the best picture, but she's a beautiful girl with a lovely smile and a care for people. Though a little shy sometimes, I'm glad I got to know you.
Alaina. My room mate and soul mate in many ways. We're totally different yet totally twins. I loved the late nights talking, praying on the kitchen floor, sharing secrets, sharing fears. You are and always will be dear to my heart.
Game night was a regular occurrence at our house, and this picture shows more friends that impacted my life. On the right is my family. On the left is Zach, Angela, Keenan, and Ruth. The two guys lived in Tyler's house, and they are a lot of fun. Angela is a lovely lady, calm and thoughtful. I went to her family's house a couple times and really loved it. Ruth is caring and compassionate. I'm glad for these wonderful people in my life.
Cooking with the best. In the back are Tyler's mom and dad. They are super sweet and hard-working. The guy with the colored hair is Mitchell. He is something. Of course, the other people are me and my sisters. They're pretty cool too.
Ian and I.
Jessica and Katia. Katia is a sweet girl. I'm glad I got to know her better this semester.
Keenan, Henrick, and CJ. Henrick is also one of Tyler's house mates, or was. He is rather funny, in his own way. CJ is a very excitable person, even though this picture doesn't show that side of him very well.
This is beautiful Jenny. She and I have the same birthday, which is cool. She was such a blessing to all of us freshmen. She is a junior, but she spent a lot of time with us.
There are a lot of random people here. More good times with blessings.
And since Tyler and Hannah just got married, I had to use this as the last picture of my friends.
Thank you, friends. Thank You, Father, for giving them to me.
P.S. Let me know if there need to be any corrections.